The next section of images are based on photographs taken using a mirror, some of these images are very interesting because where I have written onto the mirror, this writing has at times reflected onto my skin.
This section of work was influenced by the work of a Christian artist called Charlie Mackesy, because when looking at his work especially his charcoal drawings have a sense of brutality and honesty which is an area that I have found interesting as this is partly what I want explore and reflect on within my work.
This first image was taken during a session in which I was in control of the camera and at times this could be difficult when attempting to produce new ideas and different viewpoints.
I had written in acrylic paint onto the face of the mirror a psalm which is pertinent to me and I was attempting to take images in which I had no control because I was unable to witness these particular areas, these images are mainly of my back.
What is interesting is how the writing has reflected onto my skin, it's quite intriguing to witness a section of writing casting a shadow onto my skin within a private and enclosed area, which is how I communicate to God as I rarely go to Church.
Continuing this train of thought and looking at this particular image and how the words seem to bleed into my skin and blurring made me think on how I pray, and recognising that pray is more about being medative, being still and quiet, in this particular area I am not particular good at being still and reflective, the only time that I can achieve anything that resembles anything that is close to being reflective and able to contemplate is through the work I create.
This particular image contrasting between light and dark due to the monchromatic tones, and what is interesting is how the white acrylic paint reflected darkly onto the skin creating an usual contrast.
This image fits loosely into this section and the reason why I have included this particular piece is because, when looking closely at this image you can see where the mirror has been steamed up and were I have attempted to remove this by using my hands so the smearing element has allowed patches that when looking at the reflection there is a sense of writing that etches across my face.
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